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Learn more about the Smart Home system from ConnectHome

ConnectHome Company — специализируется на решениях в области домашней автоматизации, являясь разработчиком и производителем программного обеспечения, устройств и системы в целом. Работа системы, основана на беспроводной технологии Z-Wave, что дало возможность сделать ее универсальной и многофункциональной.

At the moment, the company has successfully created almost two dozen wireless devices for the smart home, working with Z-Wave technology. With their help it is possible to cover any needs in home automation.

All devices are miniature and wireless, the installation of the devices, as well as the system as a whole, is very simple, does not require special connection skills, as it is designed for the end user. Integration of the system into the house does not require repairs, preliminary preparation of the premises and laying of cable communications. All these factors make it possible to quickly and easily integrate the system into any interior without any difficulties.

Butler by ConnectHome

Имея уже длительный опыт производства устройств, работающих с разными контроллерами от сторонних производителей, мы понимали, что решения в сегменте контроллеров, которые уже представлены на рынке, не в полной мере могут реализовывать потребности пользователя или имеют завышенную стоимость. Проанализировав данную ситуацию, мы понимали, что можем предоставить пользователям качественное устройство, отвечающее всем требованием современного умного дома, к тому же по доступной цене. Так было принято решение создать собственный контроллер для умного дома — Butler..

The functional and technical part of Butler is not inferior to the top solutions from leading companies in the smart home segment, it has all the necessary functions, such as : Ethernet, Wi-Fi , Bluetooth, USB, работа по протоколу z-Wave plus etc. (Read more at link).

The controller supports Z-Wave devices from any manufacturer, but for ConnectHome devices, it provides simplified configuration of parameters and connections. We have also implemented Homekit support in Butler, which makes it possible to control the smart home using the Siri voice assistant.

To configure and manage the controller, we have created the fastest and most user-friendly Web interface, which, without any modesty, will give a head start to all current solutions on the market in terms of speed. Also, for your convenience, we have implemented mobile applications for IOS and Android, which will allow you to conveniently control the controller from your mobile phone or tablet. At the moment, the controller is already in beta testing, and the release is scheduled for late spring 2019.

The interface of the ConnectHome program

To summarize, in the spring of 2019, the company will present to the world a complete ecosystem that will include reliable and time-tested smart home devices, a modern multifunctional controller with the ability to control the smart home using Siri, a convenient and fast Web interface, as well as IOS and Android applications.

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