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Privacy policy

This Agreement defines the terms and conditions for the use of materials and services of the site by Users www.c-home.ua .

1. General terms and conditions
1.1. The use of materials and services of the Site is governed by the norms of the current legislation of Ukraine.
1.2 This Agreement is a public offer. By accessing the materials of the Website, the User is deemed to have joined this Agreement.
1.3. The Site Administration has the right to unilaterally change the terms of this Agreement at any time. Such changes shall take effect 3 (Three) days after the new version of the Agreement is posted on the Site. If the User disagrees with the changes made, he/she is obliged to refuse access to the Site, stop using the materials and services of the Site.
2. Obligations of the User
2.1. The User agrees not to take any actions that may be considered as violating Ukrainian legislation or international law, including in the field of intellectual property, copyright and/or related rights, as well as any actions that lead or may lead to disruption of the normal operation of the Website and services.
2.2 The use of the materials of the Site without the consent of the copyright holders is not allowed. For the legitimate use of the materials of the Site, it is necessary to conclude license agreements (obtaining licenses).
2.3. When quoting the materials of the Site, including protected works of authorship, a link to the Site is mandatory and possible only after prior agreement with the Site Administration.
2.4. The User's comments and other entries on the Website shall not contradict the requirements of the legislation of Ukraine and generally accepted norms of morality and ethics.
2.5. The User is warned that the Website Administration is not responsible for visiting and using external resources, links to which may be contained on the Website.
2.6. The User agrees that the Website Administration shall not be liable and shall not have any direct or indirect obligations to the User in connection with any possible or incurred losses or damages related to any content of the Website, copyright registration and information about such registration, goods or services available on or obtained through external sites or resources or other contacts of the User, which he/she entered into using the information posted on the Website or links to External Resources.
2.7 The User accepts that all materials and services on the Site or any part thereof may be accompanied by advertising. The User agrees that the Site Administration is not responsible and has no obligations in connection with such advertising.
3. Other conditions
3.1. All possible disputes arising out of or related to this Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.
3.2. Nothing in the Agreement may be understood as the establishment of agency relations, partnership relations, joint venture relations, personal employment relations, or any other relations between the User and the Website Administration that are not expressly provided for in the Agreement.
3.3 The recognition by the court of any provision of the Agreement as invalid or unenforceable shall not entail the invalidity of other provisions of the Agreement.
3.4. Inaction on the part of the Website Administration in case of violation of the provisions of the Agreement by any of the Users shall not deprive the Website Administration of the right to take appropriate actions later to protect its interests and copyright of the Website materials protected in accordance with the law.
The User confirms that he/she has read and unconditionally accepts all clauses of this Agreement.

Consent to the processing and protection of personal data

By placing an order, the User agrees to the processing and use of their personal data (in particular, to use, enter into a database, distribute, transfer to third parties, supplement or otherwise change, delete and other actions that may be performed by the Site Administration with personal data in writing) (paper), electronic or other form), including, but not limited to name, surname, patronymic, date of birth, contact details (address, telephone), as well as other information implemented by the Site Administration through this website, as well as for the purpose of consumer protection and for the purpose of conducting business activities by the Site Administration, maintaining statistics, for the purpose of accounting and tax accounting, for communication and contractual relations with government agencies, contractors and other third parties in the course of business activities, for compliance with internal rules and procedures in the process of

In addition to the above, the User hereby agrees that, if necessary, personal data may be processed and forwarded (transferred) to third parties as part of the implementation of the purpose specified above. In addition, the User hereby agrees that personal data may be transferred outside the national borders of Ukraine and will be visible in countries with less stringent personal data protection rules than in Ukraine. The User hereby confirms that the entry of personal data into the database(s), transfer, distribution, modification and other processing of the User's personal data by the Website for the specified purpose does not require additional notification of such actions.

This Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the Policy) has been developed by ConnectHome to ensure the security of its customers' data and governs the collection, use, disclosure, transfer and storage of users' personal information.

This Policy allows the user to obtain information about the owner and manager of personal data, the composition and content of the collected personal data, the persons to whom their personal data is transferred, to familiarize themselves with the rights of the personal data subject, and to learn about the purpose of collecting personal data.

The mobile application developed by ConnectHome, which can be downloaded to a smartphone or other mobile device, allows remote control of electronic devices of the Smart Home system developed by ConnectHome. The mobile application is used for remote and local access to controllers installed in the client's home. 

By registering in the Mobile Application and using it in any form, the user gives ConnectHome consent to the processing of all personal data entered by the user during registration and/or received in the course of using the Mobile Application. The user also agrees to the collection, processing and use of his/her information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


The scope of this Policy does not apply to:

  • - companies, third parties, and persons not owned or controlled by ConnectHome;
  • - people who are not managed by ConnectHome.
By registering in the Mobile Application and using it in any form, the user confirms that he/she has read the list of his/her rights as a personal data subject in accordance with Article 8 of the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection". This list is available by following the link: http://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/2297-17.


  • Personal data means information or a set of information about an individual who is identified or can be specifically identified;
  • Processing of personal data means any action or set of actions, such as collection, registration, accumulation, storage, adaptation, modification, updating, use and dissemination (distribution, sale, transfer), depersonalization, destruction of personal data, including with the use of information (automated) systems;
  • Consent of a personal data subject is a voluntary expression of an individual's will (subject to his or her awareness) to grant permission to process his or her personal data in accordance with the formulated purpose of their processing, set forth in writing or in a form that allows to conclude that it has been granted;
  • Personal data controller means an individual or legal entity that is authorized by law or with the consent of the personal data subject to process this data, approves the purpose of personal data processing, establishes the composition of this data and the procedures for its processing, unless otherwise provided by law;
  • Personal data controller is a natural or legal person who is authorized by the personal data owner or by law to process this data on behalf of the owner;
  • Personal data subject means an individual in respect of whom personal data is processed in accordance with the law;
  • Third party means any person, except for the personal data subject, the owner or manager of personal data and the authorized state body for personal data protection, to whom the owner or manager of personal data transfers personal data in accordance with the law.


  • To download the ConnectHome mobile application, users need to register. To do so, the user must provide personal information, such as an e-mail address. ConnectHome reserves the right to request additional personal information from the user, if necessary.
  • The ConnectHome mobile application does not use cookies and other similar technologies (pixel tags and web beacons).
  • the processing of personal information of users is carried out by ConnectHome on servers located in Ukraine.
  • In accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine, the personal data of persons with limited civil capacity, including minors under the age of 14 and minors aged 14 to 18, is managed by their legal representative (parent, guardian, tutor, etc.). By registering in the ConnectHome Mobile Application, the user confirms that he or she has reached the age of 18 or has the consent of the legal representative to provide his or her personal data for such registration.
  • If the legal representative of a person with limited civil capacity, including a minor under the age of 14 or a minor aged 14 to 18, becomes aware of the registration of such a person in the ConnectHome Mobile Application without his or her consent, please immediately inform ConnectHome and send to office@connecthome.com.ua either your consent to the processing of personal data of a person with limited civil capacity or a request for their deletion, indicating the identity and data about the person


  • to comply with a legal obligation to which ConnectHome is subject, or when necessary in the legitimate interests of ConnectHome or a third party to whom ConnectHome may need to disclose information.
  • to create, develop, operate, provide and improve our products, services, content and advertising, as well as to prevent losses and combat fraud.
  • to record and ensure network security, including to protect our services in the interests of all our users.  to send important messages, such as
  • notifications of changes in the Terms and Conditions and Policies. The user's refusal from such mailing is not provided, as this information is necessary for interaction with ConnectHome.
  • for internal purposes, such as auditing, data analysis and research aimed at improving ConnectHome's products and services, as well as the way we communicate with users.
  • personal information of users may be used when the company organizes various promotional events, such as lotteries, prize drawings, contests or similar events.


Access to the user's personal information is provided to other persons only under the following limited circumstances:

  • user's permission: the explicit consent of the user is required for the transfer of any confidential information by ConnectHome;
  • if ConnectHome has reasonable grounds to believe that access, use, storage or disclosure of such information is necessary for: compliance with the legislation of Ukraine, including provision of information at the request of individuals and legal entities, institutions, organizations of any form of ownership or government agencies that have the right to receive such information in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine; in the interests of national security, economic welfare and human rights; legal proceedings, judicial proceedings; detection and prevention of fraud, as well as the decision
  • protection against a direct threat to the rights, property or safety of ConnectHome, its users or the public, within the framework of Ukrainian legislation.
  • In the event of a reorganization, merger or sale of our company, we may transfer personal data to the relevant third party.


  • Measures to protect user data from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction are ensured through internal verification of data collection, storage, and processing processes, as well as through appropriate encryption and physical security of data to prevent unauthorized access.
  • ConnectHome has developed and enforces strict security and privacy policies for company personnel.


  • There are no automatic decisions that have legal consequences for the user.


  • The storage of personal information of the user is carried out for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes listed in this Privacy Policy. When assessing the length of such periods, ConnectHome carefully examines its need to collect personal information and, when such a need exists, retains the information for the minimum period necessary to achieve the purpose of collection, unless required by law to retain it longer.


  • The user is given access to view and edit their data through the application programming interface (API). All previously entered data is subject to editing through the forms of the relevant interfaces of websites and mobile applications
  • Users can send inquiries about the conditions for granting access to personal data, including information about third parties to whom personal data is transferred; for access to their personal data; requests for modification or destruction of personal data; objections to the processing of personal data; requests for restriction of the right to process personal data; about the mechanism of automatic processing of personal data to the following email address: office@connecthome.com.ua. To process requests, the user must confirm their identity and indicate the information they want to receive, correct or delete.


  • ConnectHome reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy. Changes made to the Privacy Policy will be published on this page. By registering in the Mobile Application and using it in any form, a user from outside Ukraine accepts and agrees that products and services are provided by ConnectHome in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine, which may not provide the same level of protection as in the user's country.
  • The owner and administrator of the user's personal data is the private enterprise "Connecthome", location: 49107, UA Dnipro, Nauky Avenue, 70, e-mail: office@connecthome.com.ua.
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