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Everything is under control!

You have an apartment or a house, it's small or big, it doesn't matter if you own it or rent it. That's great! But how much does it all cost? Why does it cost so much? How can you reduce your expenses? Maybe we should ask Butler, because he knows exactly! That's why he is the controller of the Smart Home.


Butler.Wiki), aka Butler, also major domus, butler, household manager - a senior footman, head of the household. In large estates, where household management can be divided between several people, the butler is responsible for the dining room, wine cellar and buffet. He or she may also be responsible for the entire front part of the house, while the rest of the household is managed by the economy. The major, usually a man, manages the male servants in the house, and the housekeeper manages the female servants. But that was before, and now it's the 21st century, and everything is striving for automation and the world of the Internet of Things.In modern homes, the duties of the butler and housekeeper can be transferred to a smart home controller from ConnectHome — Butler. Keeping statistics on the consumption of all smart home resources makes life much easier for its residents. Temperature and humidity sensors, energy consumption, climate control devices, lighting, window and gate automation, motion sensors, etc. are constantly monitored in a convenient application or web interface. If necessary, all data can be obtained at any time and for any device or group of devices using an open API ConnectHome. This enables analysis and savings not only within our system. All this data can be used anywhere.

Statistics in ConnectHome

Statistics in the ConnectHome web interface

Use ConnectHome statistics in other interfaces or systems.

Our designers have created a simple and intuitive interface. But the system is completely open for copying and using data in other programs, systems, platforms, etc.

Example of a controller request to receive statistics for one device ID 170

By submitting such a request to Butler, in the format described in detail on Website. You must specify the IP address of the controller in the local network, the device ID and the query property (e.g. Status for binary switches, Tripped for binary sensors, etc.) time in the format TimeStampyou will receive a request for authorization from the server. After entering the Login and Password, the system will give you a response in the format Json. This example describes the format of a local request, but if necessary, you can contact the controller, including through our cloud service.

Response from the controller

In response to the above request, the controller will respond ответ. The data from this answer can be processed and displayed on any website, used in other programs (1C, Exele, etc.). In general, you can perform any task that is limited only by the customer's desire and request.

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